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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2019

Explore Sebangau National Park

hello guys!! Don't to watch my new video. Sabangau National Park (sometimes spelled Sebangau) is a national park in Central Kalimantan, a province of Indonesia in Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of the island of Borneoestablished in 2004. Between 1980 and 1995 the site was a massive logging concessions area. After 1995, the park became a site for illegal logging, which resulted in up to 85 percent of the 568,700-hectare total park area being destroyed. By 2012, less than 1 percent of the park's total area has been reforested and several centuries is needed to restore it to its pre-logged state. The national park is centered on Sabangau River, a blackwater river. It flows through the Kelompok Hutan Kahayan or Sabangau peat swamp forest(5,300 km2), between the Katingan and Kahayanrivers. The peat swamp forest is a dual ecosystem, with diverse tropical trees standing on a 10m - 12m layer of peat - partly decayed and waterlogged plant material - which in turn covers relativ...

Cara mudah membuat brosur di Microsoft Publisher

Langkah membuat brosur dari microsoft office publisher: 1.Masuk ke Microsoft office publisher 2.Klik File -> New -> Brochures. 3. Buka Brochures -> Installed Templates Informational . dan pilih templates sesuai     keinginan anda. lalu Klik Create. 4. Setelah anda meng Klik Create maka akan mendownload dengan sendirinya templates yang anda pilih. seperti gambar di bawah ini. halaman depan . 5. tampilan Brosur disini berbeda dengan flyer, karena brosur terdiri dari 2 halaman. 6. langkah berikutnya anda bisa berkreasi sesuai dengan keinginan anda seperti menambahkan foto dengan Klik ( Insert ) , mengganti background dan sebagainya, dengan meng Klik ( Page Design ). selesai Semoga bermanfaat Jika ingin melihat hasil nya Klik disini